Why calculate a Year Ahead tarot card?
The tarot is a powerful tool for deepening connection with Self. Being aware of your card for 2020 will create an on-going focus and source of inspiration as you navigate questions, issues and relationships over the next 12 months. Once you calculate your card, I suggest you find a version of the card that you connect with, print it and place it in several significant places where you will see it regularly (journal, altar, kitchen cupboard!).
How to calculate your Year Ahead card:
In a nutshell, add your birth month and day to the number 2020. This is the method I use (not the only way):
The month: January & October = 1, February & November = 2, March & December = 3, April = 4, May = 5, June = 6, July = 7, August = 8 and September = 9.
The day: 1st & 10th = 1, 2nd, 11th and 20th = 2, 3rd, 12th & 21st = 3, 4th, 13th, 22nd & 31st = 4, 5th, 14th & 23rd = 5, 6th, 15th & 24th = 6, 7th, 16th & 25th = 7, 8th, 17th & 26th = 8, 9th, 18th & 27th = 9, 19th & 28th = 10, 29th = 11.
Add the number of your month, to the number for your day to 4 (2020 = 4). Here are a few examples:
January 16 is 1 + 7 + 4 = 12, which is The Hanged Man.
February 29 is 2 + 11 + 4 = 17, which is The Star.
May 13 is 5 + 4 + 4 = 13, which is Death.
October 18 is 1 + 9 + 4, which is Temperance.
Using the above system, no one will have I The Magician, II The High Priestess, III The Empress or IV The Emperor for their card this year. If your number is 22, your card is The Fool. If your number is 23, your card is V The Hierophant and 24 is VI The Lovers. For those of you that aren't familiar with the tarot, you will find a list of the cards below (and yes, there are other systems, so please select the one you are most comfortable or familiar with).
What is I calculate my Year Ahead card another way?
More often than not, you will get the same card. My recommendation however, is to choose your system and stick with it year to year. It is likely that if you don't end up with the same card, you will end up with a related card. For example, using the above system December 25 is 3 + 7 + 4 = 14 Temperance. Another method suggests adding 12 + 25 + 2020 = 2057. Reduce this to 2 + 0 + 5 + 7 and you get the same card! If your birthdate is August 12th however, using my system you get 8 + 3 + 4 = 15 = The Devil, but using the other system you get 8 + 12 + 2020 = 2040 = 6, which is The Lovers. Not surprisingly, The Devil and The Lovers ARE related numerologically.
Individual tarot cards go by many names depending on the deck used. Here are a few:
V Hierophant, Shaman, High Priest, Medicine Man, Teacher
VI The Lovers, Love
VII The Chariot
VIII Strength, Lust, Fortitude
IX The Hermit
X The Wheel (of Fortune), Fortune
XI Justice, Karma, Adjustment
XII The Hanged Man, Hanged Woman
XIII Death, Transformation
XIV Temperance, Art
XV The Devil, Cernunnos, The Horned One
XVI The Tower
XVII The Star
XVIII The Moon
XIX The Sun
XX Judgement, Rebirth, Transformation, The Aeon, Awakening
XXI The World, The Universe
XXII = 0 The Fool, The Seeker, The Wanderer
So now I know my Year Ahead card, what do I do with it?
1. Get to know its energy, nuances, meanings and symbols.
2. Consider how your card will behave, react or make decisions in a four year (2020 is a four year 2 + 0 + 2 + 0).
3. Explore the number four numerologically.
4. Consider how your card will respond if the Emperor (tarot card number IV) is in charge this year.
5. What months will be easier for your card based on its energy? Does your card thrive in certain seasons or with certain elements?
6. Look at different versions of your card across tarot decks. Google images is a great resource!
If your card is V through XIII watch this video:
If your card is XIV through XXII watch this video:
If you are ready to book a personal reading with me know that you will be well looked after and we can start as small or big as you like! I can't wait to meet you.
Stay well,
Integrative Healing with Sadhana offers instruction and guidance as a full healing package or you can choose individual practices such as Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Space Clearing or Intuitive Readings in Gibsons BC. Either way, you will be met exactly where you are at and together, we will adapt practices to fit your individual needs improving your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.