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Writer's pictureSadhana

Random Act of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness – Chairs at Bus Stops, Sunshine Coast BC

According to Wikipedia, a random act of kindness or RAoK is a selfless act performed by kind people to either help or cheer up a random stranger, for no reason other than to make people happier. Either spontaneous or planned in advance, RAoKs are encouraged by various online and offline communities. Did you know there was a RAoK organization based in the US They even have lesson plans for educators!

A RAoK that has caught my attention locally are the chairs that have been placed at bus stops along the Sunshine Coast highway. I commute regularly from Gibsons to Sechelt and find the generosity and thoughtfulness of those who have left a chair quite charming. I imagine commuters themselves have carried a chair to their regular bus stop, and I also like to think that some well-meaning folk have dropped off chairs when replacing summer furniture or perhaps even moving out of town.

While out walking my dog yesterday, I stopped to talk to two young men enjoying the chairs at the Forbes Road bus stop. They were on their way to town to do laundry and we had a chat about the chairs. They quite liked the idea that they’d be mentioned in my blog and were most grateful to whomever had left the chairs. Prompted by the encounter, I headed out for a drive to see exactly how many bus stops are the recipient of this sort of RAoK.

It turns out that there are many vacancies along most routes. Some bus stops do not have the space for a chair, but there are many that would benefit from one or two. My request to you – if you have an old kitchen chair, an abundance of patio furniture or you happen to be moving and are looking to lighten your load, put a chair or two in your car and drop it off at a local bus stop. You may even wish to paint a special note on the chair. Think of all the tired legs you will make happy. I’m putting one in my car just after I post this entry.


Integrative Healing with Sadhana offers instruction and guidance as a full healing package or you can choose individual practices such as Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Space Clearing or Intuitive Readings in Gibsons BC. ​Either way, you will be met exactly where you are at and together, we will adapt practices to fit your individual needs improving your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. ​


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